Independent Age

Independent Age is a registered charity which supports thousands of older people across the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The charity offers a 'helping hand from a trusted friend', tackling older people's poverty and loneliness by offering information, advice and friendship.



All people supported by Independent Age receive information about benefits and other issues affecting older people, ongoing support from a helpline and newsletters, and membership of the Independent Age community, with the opportunity to participate in events and build friendships with others.

Independent Age offers more services to older people in the very greatest need. These include: regular befriending and support from an Independent Age volunteer; detailed assessment and casework; practical support and financial help in emergencies.

Independent Age supports people over 70 who are in financial need. Older people accepted by the charity are supported for as long as they need assistance - in many cases, for life.

Background Information

In 2007, the charity provided £5.41 million[1] in support to 5300 older people in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. This support includes emergency grants, mobility aids and equipment, clothing packs for hospital stays, and the friendship of a network of volunteer visitors.

Until 2005, Independent Age was known as RUKBA, an acronym for the Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association. It is still registered under this name with the Charity Commission. Its current royal patron is Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy.

In July 2011, Independent Age announced plans to merge[2] with UK charity Counsel and Care, which offers information and advice to older people, their families, and carers. Under the terms of the merger, Independent Age will act as the Managing Trustee of Counsel and Care.


External links

Independent Age in the United Kingdom:

Independent Age in the Republic of Ireland:

Counsel and Care: